Analysis Of The Women's Suffrage Movement

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What does “movement” mean? There are many definitions for the word. In this case, I am referring to a political meaning. Movement is a series of organized activities working toward an objective. There have been many groups in history to start up movements throughout the decades. One that stands out to me the most is the Women’s Suffrage Movement. Women’s movements are led by powerful, courageous women who push to better the lives’ of women or lives’ of others. Most familiar movements are those involved in politics, in efforts to change the roles and status of womanhood in society. Groups of women also attempt to improve lives of others with the help of religious and charitable activities. Either it was a political, religious, or charitable women’s movement, each woman of each group have made an impact on today’s view of women and achieved greater political involvement. Imagine being a woman back in the 1800’s. Imagine being home all day, cleaning, cooking, sewing, and doing all the house duties alone without any man’s help. In today’s world, being home all day is what “lazy” people like. In the 1800’s, I’m pretty sure the word “lazy” was in no one’s vocabulary. All through history, cultures considered women to have detained a poorer status than men because of physical differences between the sexes. Men have a broader, more masculine figure compared to women, being less manly and more feminine-built. These physical disadvantages are the reason why women stayed home to care for their family because it was thought of being too dangerous to be doing the hard “men’s work.” Women were also considered to have been less intelligent, more emotional and less decisive than men. Women had low social statuses and fewer rights then the men. H... ... middle of paper ... ...zabeth Cady Stanton was born in 1815 and died in 1902. While on a honeymoon, she met a young lady by the name of Lucretia Mott. Both were present at a World’s Anti-Slavery Convention, which Stanton’s husband was a delegate of. Stanton and Mott were infuriated with the rejection of women so they decided to enforce a women’s rights meeting. This meeting was considered a Women’s Rights convention and was held in Seneca Falls. This was the very first meeting and was located in New York. Stanton then composed “The Declaration of Sentiments.” The text proposed that women should receive the right education, and changes of the law to raise the status of a “lady.” Women who attended the very first convention agreed to sign the declaration. In that same of year, Stanton spread protests and appeals to the New York congress to pass acts related to the married women of New York.

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