Women In Colonial America

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Women have been oppressed since the beginning of time, they have always been thought of as lesser to men in our culture, and they still are. Although some people may disagree women are still put at a lower bar to men. They have a lower chance of getting certain jobs, making more money and being put into places of higher power. People of color have also been oppressed for a very long time. Back in colonial times this sexism and racism was even stronger and more powerful. Women couldn’t get any jobs that had to do with government and had very little power over what they could or couldn’t do. African americans were almost all slaves and if they weren’t they still had little to no rights, it was extremely difficult for them to find jobs. This …show more content…

White men could abuse their wives and slaves and it was perfectly normal, no one would say a word about it. If a woman or person of color harmed somebody they would immediately be put in jail or they could even be hanged. This oppression of women and people of color is weaved into Chains by showing Isabel's relationship with colonial women like Hannah, Mary, and Madam Lockton as well as Isabel’s relationship with other slaves like Curzon, and Grandfather. The Locktons’ relationship in Chains was a good indicator of what some marriages were like in colonial times, especially for the wealthy. In most cases colonial marriages in wealthy homes were not for love, but for money or alliances. Master Lockton was abusive towards Madam Lockton and would hit and beat her. When Isabel first meets the Locktons she notices “a fading yellow bruise circling around [Madam’s] wrist like a bracelet,”(18). Master Lockton had no problem hitting his wife but surprisingly he never hit Isabel or Ruth. Madam was the one who consistently beat them when they did something wrong. Master Lockton doesn’t like when Madam acts for herself and has a habit of beating …show more content…

You have the wealthy people and the poor people but the middle class was extremely small and almost nonexistent. The poorer people have to work harder and are not nearly as privileged as the wealthy people. Isabel’s interactions with the lower class women like Becky Berry, Mary and Hannah shows that because the lower class is not as privileged they connect with the slaves more than upper class women like Madam Lockton. When Isabel first meets Becky Berry she warns her that Madam Lockton can be harsh when it comes to her slaves. Becky, on the other hand says she “sees things different...you do what you’re told and we’ll get along fine”(45). Becky doesn’t seem to care that Isabel is a slave as long as she does what she’s supposed to and follows orders. Later in the book Isabel is furious at Madam Lockton because she sold Ruth. Isabel confronts Madam Lockton about it and Madam throws a painting at her. Madam then runs upstairs and in the commotion Becky opens the door and yells at Isabel to “run”(135). Becky helped Isabel attempt to escape even though she knew she would be punished for it. The lower class women can be punished in some forms but not to the extreme that slaves can be punished. Becky lost her job for helping Isabel but was not harmed or hurt by Madam Lockton because Madam can’t hurt a white woman. The same idea went for the housewives Mary and Hannah. Madam Lockton said that Isabel was no longer allowed to go to

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