William Shakespeare Research Paper

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Have you ever wondered if there is anyone who has any talent for literature that would be at least similar to the name “William Shakespeare”? Even after four centuries, the literary worlds still praise Shakespeare as the world’s greatest English-language writer. In this essay, William Shakespeare’s biography, the influences of his works, one of his most famous plays, and major life event during his time will be clearly discussed.
From time to time, people keep asking “who is William Shakespeare?”, so let’s begin with his brief biography. Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, a small market town in the middle of England, perhaps on April 23, 1564 (Burke, 1995). He started his career as an actor, playwright, and part-owner of playing company …show more content…

The King James Bible was an English translation of the Christian Bible published in 1611 at the request of King James I of England. The Bible was translated from the Hebrew and Greek languages into English languages. During that period, there were many other popular English Bibles like the Geneva Bible, but King James did not prefer those Bibles because he felt that some of the marginal notes were more likely to encourage disobedience to the king’s orders (Levinson & Berman, 2010). Therefore, when Dr. John Reynolds, a Puritan scholar, proposed an idea of translating a new English Bible, King James strongly agreed (Levy, 2017). The purposes of the King James Bible were intended to be read out for the Church of England and to make it fairly simple for illiterate people to be understood. As a result, the translators had to dedicate their time to the most majestic prince James. They had to greatly give attentiveness, particularly to the rhythm and punctuation, so that it gave the content a fresh oral quality (Grainger, 1907). Later on, in the mid-17th to the early 20th century, this translation had made a remarkable influence on the English literary style and was finally considered as the standard English Bible (McGrath, 2001). Surprisingly, there was a controversial debate about whether Shakespeare has any involvement in this significant writing project of his time or not. Some people believe that Shakespeare was being one of the translators of King James Bible. Even though there is no way to prove that this idea is true, at least, there is one set of clues that point out that Shakespeare probably had some connection with the Old Testament part of the book (Hensley, 2017). It was very coincidental that the translation of the King James Bible in the year 1610 unexpectedly happened around the time of Shakespeare’s 46th birthday. Amazingly, if you turn to Psalm 46 in the

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