William Golding's Lord Of The Flies: Civilization Vs. Savagery

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Civilization versus savagery is a recurring theme that transcends the boundaries of time. Thomas Hobbes is an avid philosopher who thoroughly addresses this theme with theories that intertwine philosophy and politics. Therefore, due to his incredible works amid these two areas of study (i.e Levithan), if I was granted the opportunity and honour of meeting either Francis Bacon, Rene Descartes, Thomas Hobbes, or John Locke I would without hesitation choose Thomas Hobbes. Admittedly, all of the philosophers stated above have made significant contributions to this field through their various areas of study; however, I personally believe that the work of Thomas Hobbes has made a direct impact on today’s society. This is exemplified in our justice system by the phrase “peace, order and good government” written in Canada’s first constitution. Also, the work of Hobbes is expressed through the fact that our society contains laws that most of its individuals freely adhere to to achieve a peaceful society (e.g laws against murder, theft, trespassing). Likewise, I believe that his works have altered the course of our lives and in their …show more content…

Hobbes I would inquire as to why he believes humans are innately destructive and lawless. I often pondered this question when I read William Golding's Lord of the Flies and by only recently discovering that Thomas Hobbes shares the same view as Goulding, I wonder how they both came to this conclusion. Another reason I would like Hobbes to disclose the reasoning behind his view of humans being innately evil is that it serves as the basis for his theory. To explain, if he came to this conclusion through inaccurate facts or insufficient data then the foundation on which his theory was built is faulty thus proving the entirety of his theory to be inaccurate. Therefore, in this circumstance humans would be instead be inherently good which would deem laws unnecessary and they could become

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