Willa Cather's O Pioneers: A Literary Analysis

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“The Bohemians, you know, we’re tree worshipers before the missionaries came. Father says the people in the mountains still do queer things, sometimes, —they believe that trees bring good or bad luck” (Cather, Willa. 56). The symbolism of mulberry tree, Willa Cather in O Pioneers! constitutes an excellent example of a forbidden love. Literary critics have shown how Caulfield's confusion, desperation, and unwillingness to make a commitment render him a character in crisis. The mulberry tree has evolved decade after decade, to inspire stories, novels, and even tales.
Emil and Marie Toveskey are always associated with the mulberry tree. Thinking back to the novel, "And now the old story has begun to write itself over there," said Carl softly. …show more content…

Therefore it represents the innocence of Emil and Marie’s forbidden love. Tragedy falls when a mulberry tree is involved in a novel or story.”With her dying breath, she pleaded with the goods that their bodies be buried in a single tomb and that the tree in the special meeting place would always bear fruit in the color of a dark and mournful color in the memory of their unrequited love. To this day, the berries of the mulberry tree always, turn purple in color when they are ripe” ( Ovid, 2). Ovid the Roman poet wrote Metamorphoses, which includes a story of two star-crossed lovers with a forbidden love. The tree connects with tragedy, as the unfortunate lovers Pyramus and Thisbe also met under a mulberry tree. The tragedy of the lovers is so sad so as a memorial to Pyramus and Thisbe, the white mulberries turn red. This story explains why mulberries start out white and eventually turns dark red as they …show more content…

to illustrate the forbidden love between Emil and Marie. It’s a reminder of each other, “But anything that reminded him of her would be enough , the orchard, the mulberry tree” (Cather 92), its their place to remember each other. As you find out the star-crossed love between Emil and Marie you realize Willa Cather was referring to Metamorphoses, the story of Pyramus and Thisbe. The story of another forbidden love that continues to be passed down through the years. Including the mulberry tree which symbolizes the depth of the mulberry tree and links the story and novel

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