Their Eyes Were Watching God By Zora Neil Hurston

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the novel, the pear tree symbolizes Janie's idealized vision of love and marriage. The mule, on the other hand, represents the oppression and mistreatment of African Americans during the time period in which the novel is set. The storm symbolizes chaos and upheaval, both in nature and in Janie's personal life. Finally, Janie's journey itself is a symbol of self-discovery and empowerment. As she navigates through different relationships and experiences, she learns more about herself and what she wants out of life. Overall, the use of symbols in Their Eyes Were Watching God adds depth and complexity to the story, allowing readers to explore themes and ideas beyond the surface level. ed journey.
A symbol of the hardships and obstacles that Janie faced is the hurricane that occurs in the Everglades where she and Tea Cake live. When the storm arrives, they attempt to evacuate the area quickly but are unsuccessful. While huddling with their colleagues during the storm, they hear, "the wind came back with triple fury, and put out the light for the last time… They seemed to be staring at the dark, but their eyes were watching God" (160). In the eyes of the characters, this mighty force of nature is compared to God, a powerful and divine being who can create beautiful things but can also destroy them. The hurricane represents the hindrances Janie faced throughout her journey. Despite these difficulties, she manages to keep faith and overcome her hardships. The massive storm gives Janie the strength to conquer future obstacles in her prolonged journey. lives. She dreams and wonders about her future life with the perfect man. Her journey can be compared to our own personal pursuit of self-happiness. This captivating novel begins with a statement that makes the readers contemplate. The author, Zora Neale Hurston, begins the book with a quote: “Ships at a distance have every man’s wish on board. For some, they circle with the tide. For others, they sail forever on the horizon… That is the life of men” (1). These “ships” symbolize a person’s goals and wishes in life. The journey to chase and obtain these ambitions is exciting and unpredictable. Similar to Janie’s journey, there will be struggles along the way. However, one can continue their journey and learn from their experiences. In life, there are many complications and harsh experiences. Some people have more of these memories than others. Janie views her eventful life as “a great tree in leaf with things suffered, things enjoyed, things done and undone. Dawn and doom were in the branches” (8). Janie has many pleasant and horrible memories and experiences. From the horrific incidents, she learns more about herself and what she truly needs. These memories make her a stronger, independent woman. We, the readers, can learn from Janie and apply her knowledge to our everyday lives.

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