Why the Site for Quarry Bank Mill was Chosen by Samuel Greg

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Why the Site for Quarry Bank Mill was Chosen by Samuel Greg

After years of experience in textile manufacturing, and a lucky boost

of confidence due to finance, in 1783, Samuel Greg made several

journeys into the countryside around Manchester searching for a

suitable site where he might build a new mill. The site at Styal

seemed ideal to accomplish its sole purpose; to make profit. The aim

of this essay is to investigate all the factors Greg considered whilst

selecting the site, in the hope that we can then find out why he chose

to build the mill there, why he chose to build at time and why he

built a mill at all. It is important to investigate all the aspects in

detail so we can then have a clear understanding of his success.

Issues include his upbringing, geography, finance and luck. If we

delve deep into all the information and research, these factors link

together to make a strong conclusion.

Samuel Greg had an advantage over other manufacturers, however, he may

not have realised it at the time. Greg was born in 1758, the third son

of a Belfast merchant and ship owner. Although generally successful in

his business ventures, Thomas Greg often endured periods of financial

difficulty, which then caused Samuel and his 12 other siblings to

suffer. In 1766 when he was 8 years old, Robert Hyde, Samuel Greg’s

uncle, who was childless, offered to adopt his nephew. Thomas Greg

readily accepted. This was a significant event in the story of Quarry

Bank Mill because Robert Hyde himself owned a merchant manufacturing

business in Manchester, dealing primarily in fustian, a cloth produced

using both linen and cotton. Nearly 30% of the cotton spi...

... middle of paper ...

... never had got the experience with money and business if Nathaniel was

well enough to do it himself. His marriage also brought him luck, as

without her he wouldn’t have the money available to pay for the

adaptations. Finally timing helped Greg a lot, i.e: the end of the US

War of Independence and all these lucky factors being present at the

same time.

In conclusion, I think Samuel Greg chose this site because luck was on

his side and all the factors made it too good an opportunity to miss.

However I think his upbringing and financial status were most

important. If Greg was not brought up in the textile industry he may

have never got involved or interested in the trade. Also, without his

financial stability brought on from his inheritance and marriage, he

may never have had the confidence to go ahead with his plans.

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