Why We Shouldn T Take Away From Interpersonal Time With Family

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Text messaging shouldn’t take away from interpersonal time with family. There is a time and place for texting but it shouldn’t be done at the dinner table. Having dinner with family should be filled with face to face interaction and engaged communication. When a person is constantly texting at the dinner table it can take away from quality time with family and friends. Dinner is a time where a family can come together and have genuine conversations and stay connected with one another. Why is eating dinner with the family with no distraction such as text messaging so important? It's uncommon that a family takes a seat to breakfast or even has dinner together consistently. So family dinners are not just about eating. They're often the main time …show more content…

Placing the standard that dinner time is an important time for communicating. This will help kids feel comfortable now and helps them be more likely to come to you when they’re older, if they are facing a problem. Being consistent about having these conversations at mealtime, you’re more likely to discover a problem from the start and be able to do something about it before it becomes too serious. As a mother it is important for me to always have a bond with my kids no matter how old they get. Growing up my mother worked long hours so we often did not eat as a family. The times we did I remember always looking forward to them because it was the time we all caught up with each other’s week. Even though I didn’t get to eat dinner with my family every night the days we did was always a great experience. It helped me be very open with my mother and the fact that we had a technology free dinner I feel made it that more special. I would never want my kids to miss out on a meaningful dinner with the people they love and by setting values for them to look up to I know they will pass it on to the people they

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