Families Do Not Eat Meals Together Essay

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There are many families throughout the world who do not eat meals together. There are many explanations for that such as family schedules do not match, so not everyone is there to eat. The children have after school activities, so not both parents are there. Some families have special needs children that have to eat at a certain time which makes people absent from the meal. Maybe the parent is single and just began dating again, so there is someone new. There maybe just one factor or there maybe many factors as to why the families are not having meals together. Schedules are hard to work around especially when they are not flexible. One parent may work during the day while the children are at school, then when they come home they prepare …show more content…

There is now more people to cater to and their own schedules too. Sometimes the family will eat at the same time, but not together. For instance my mother started dating this guy, Dave, and shortly he moved in with him son, Thomas. Dave did not work so he stayed home all day everyday; he never made an effort to be apart of my sister’s or my life or even cared to help out around the house. Because of the way Dave was we always stayed away from each other. My mom went to work while Skylar, Thomas, and I went to school. When my mom came home from work it was the same schedule. She made dinner, Thomas and I sat in the dining room eating our dinner, and my mom served Dave his dinner in the living room. Then she would feed Skylar through her G-tube, then sit down and she would eat in the living room as well. These are just a few reasons as to why families do not eat meals together. There are many more reasons that could be made up such as the grandparents are living in the house, the parent or parents are care takers, or the family travels a lot so they are never settled in. As you can tell there maybe only one factor getting in the way such as schedules or two or more like my family having a single mother and a special needs sister then adding to the

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