Difference Between Fast Food Vs Home Cooking

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Last year, Americans spent over $117 billion on fast food alone. Since the appearance of new restaurants and the drive-thru, it seems as though we have overlooked the benefits of home cooking! Overall, fast food absolutely cannot compete with home cooking. Home cooked meals allow for more family time, saves money, and is a lot healthier than fast food. Food is literally the most important aspect of all our gatherings. After a long day away from home, what could be better than relaxing at home with your loved ones and enjoying a nice meal together? Cooking a meal together allows for better communication amongst families. One person could be whipping up a salad, while the other person is putting together the main entrée; all while asking how each other’s day has gone and catching up with what’s new. Communicating with your loved ones builds better connections with them, and keeps them close to your heart and in your mind. Plus, …show more content…

McDonald’s offers a dollar menu; sure, you could choose a couple items and that’s your dinner for the night. Making that a daily ritual wastes money, when you could go to the grocery store and make the same stuff at home for a better value. Obviously, all the ingredients to make hamburgers at home isn’t going to add up to $1.09 like at McDonald’s, but you’ll get more for your money. A pound of ground beef, some buns, and whatever condiments might cost you $10 at most. Once the hamburgers are made at home, you’ll have enough to feed a few people, or even leftovers for the next day’s lunch. All the money you’re throwing away into the fast food industry could go to your weekly grocery bill. After you’ve done your weekly grocery shopping, you may even have money left over! That’s money you wouldn’t have if you were to spend it on fast food every day. That money could be saved and you could eventually buy yourself something nice or take a small

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