Why We Should Abortion Be Illegal

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In my opinion abortion should not be illegal. There have been many debates about this procedure such as one side claiming it is murder and the other side calling it safety. We all know abortion is the killing of a foetus in the women’s womb. So why do we do it? First of all most cases of abortion are performed for safety reasons, such as if the birth giver was raped, if the baby is known to have a mutation or teen pregnancies. Why should a rape victim have to give birth to a child that someone forced inside her. If she gave birth she would have to live with the fact that her child was born of rape constantly fearing that one day her child would ask “where is dad?”
With disasters such as Chernobyl which caused mutations we see a rising number of abandoned babies who will probably die before the age of 10 years of age. In my opinion abortion would be able to prevent the miserable lives these young human beings are facing, their parents wouldn’t live in complete depression about the mutations their …show more content…

At the teen stage of life they are very curious about the world and coitus is usually on top of the list. Many people know how to have it safely but some may not have the money or are too lazy to buy condoms. With no experience and a lot of curiosity they forget the consequences of non-protected coitus, this leads to young 16-18 year olds getting pregnant completely ruining their lives. Teen pregnancies usually occur during the late stages of high school and those stages of school are usually the most important for teens. I believe that abortion could prevent all the events after they have coitus potentially saving the teen of having a life of regret. Young people make more mistakes than adults and teen pregnancy is usually of the mistakes they regret the most so abortion is a ticket for them to get back into a normal

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