Abortion Should Be Allowed

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Although liberals think abortions should be legal and covered, and conservatives think abortions should be illegal and never covered, my personal opinion falls somewhere in the middle. I believe abortion should be legal and not covered. Let us examine the arguments made previously. Although I do believe there is a specific time and place a clump of cells cells becomes a baby, I personally believe the only person who truly knows when is God. In science, the cannot prove when cells become child and when that child has a soul. I also am disgusted at the fact the people make such a fuss over animals,who do not have a soul, but will easily abort a child who could have brought change to the world. With that being said, I feel abortions should be …show more content…

For example, if the baby is stillborn, I feel like the mother should not have to carry or if the baby or if the birth of the baby at full term could result in immediate death of the mother, those instances abortion should examined and used in the last case scenario. Two, I feel abortion should be illegal because women and history have done it anyway, not to say this theory applies to drugs or murder, but I would rather women go an actual doctor and get the procedure done, instead going to a back-alley, illegal place and getting a abortion that results in the death of both mother and daughter. However, with that being said, I do not feel taxpayer dollars should go to abortions because it takes out responsibility. I feel that if you and your partner have unprotected sex, knowing the consequences of your actions, you be held accountable for those actions. I feel that it is unfair for people who are making the right decisions to have to suffer and pay for those who make the wrong decisions. In the case of rape, I feel that the rapist or the rapist family, provided that woman comes forward and a investigation is done, should be held accountable to pay for the

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