Why We Need Stricter Gun Control Laws

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“If there’s even one thing we can do, even one life we can save, we have an obligation to try” (Barack Obama). In America, safety has always been a priority when it comes to the security of its citizens. However, one continuity that has always remained since the country was founded are guns. Guns for many Americans are a source of protection in the case of an emergency or even for sport such as hunting. In current times, the topic of gun control has become a major issue due to the rapid increase in armed shootings across the nation. There is a necessity for more effective gun laws in America as well as better enforcement when it comes to arms. The United States should place more effective restrictions on gun control laws in order to maintain …show more content…

“Proponents of gun control claim that a ban on all guns is needed to eliminate gun-related crimes and deaths, especially since many guns are stolen and young children are often the victims of accidental gun fatalities. They argue that the world is simply a safer place without guns.” Due to increase in violent crimes, stronger gun laws have become a major necessity than ever before in the US by proving gun-related crimes correlate with laws that have become more lenient over time. When it comes to gun violence, researchers have found that the impact of crime start at a young age and could be stopped if caught at the right age. ‘The original broken window theory, the brainchild of UCLA sociologist James Q. Wilson, suggests that in order to reassert the primacy of law and order into society, you begin by getting control over the actions of petty lawlessness—broken windows—which undermine the rule of law and begin the spiral into heavy crime (Benjamin).” Studies show that seizing weapons from criminals and jailing them, depict a decrease in the amount of shootings. For example, enforcing a law against possessing both guns and drugs, the city of Richmond seized 512 guns and sent 215 violators to jail; homicide and robbery rates went down 30 percent …show more content…

Enforcing laws which prevent those who are mentally unstable or irresponsible from obtaining guns are an extensive necessity to keep US citizens safe from arms. In addition, specific categories of guns should be banned from the common ground of societies in the U.S. and should be strictly handled by military use only. Finally, if stronger gun laws are placed, it could decrease the amount of mass shootings that occur. In conclusion, guns are becoming a reoccurring issue in America and without making a change in those laws, the safety and security of citizens’ homes will be corrupted by misuse of the weapon. So if you or a loved one you know have been or are considering getting a gun, please be wise and attentive with your choice because once you own one, you hold much responsibility and power over one’s

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