Argumentative Essay On Gun Control

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Ariane Strakey December 1, 2015 English 1010, 11:00 Professor Celestino Argument Essay Gun Control Reform Gun violence in America is a public health crisis, which needs to be recognized and changed by legislatures, and the voting American. As conscious Americans, we need to vote for changes to gun laws that would improve background checks nation-wide, make firearm registration mandatory, restrict the sale of assault weapons and weapon modifications that give the shooter military-grade fire power, and invest in gun-safe technology and safe firearms storage designs. This type of technology will help prevent criminally oriented people from accessing guns, and will help prevent the accidental deaths of many children by guns. This essay will explain the reforms needed to help ensure Americans can still exercise their 2nd amendment right of owning firearms, and preventing the unnecessary deaths of many Americans at the same time. Due to the alarmingly large number of public massacres, gun reform has yet again become a highly debated issue in America. In the past, laws were enacted that were meant to restrict ammunition and military classes of weapons from resale in the United States. Due to strong lobbying efforts of the National Rifle …show more content…

The Brady Campaign to Prevent Violence reports “On average, 32 Americans are murdered with guns every day and 140 are treated for a gun assault in an emergency room” (Lunceford 1). This is an alarming rate of unnecessary deaths; voting Americans need to view this as a public health issue that needs to be addressed logically, much like obesity or motor vehicle accidents. In previous health crisis campaigns such as drunk driving, the goal was to prevent the danger before it ever happened; this is the way we need to look at gun control in America, making it a priority to vote, and elect the right public officials who will make gun safety their goal in public

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