Why Students Fall Asleep In College

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Wake Up Sleepyhead! Recently my high school senior class has voted on class awards. These class awards include best hair, most talented, best dressed, and roughly ten more. I unanimously received the award, “Sleepyhead.” I was surprised that I unanimously received the award because so many of my classmates fall asleep during class as well. Research shows that on a typical day of high schools, 20% of students fall asleep during class. Unfortunately, sleeping is against the rules in all the classes in John I. Burton, and most likely restricted in the majority of schools. However, is the student at fault for falling asleep during class? No, class time beginning so early in the morning is why 20% of students fall asleep during class. Getting …show more content…

Many students like me participate in many extracurricular activities. Activities like basketball, football, marching band, scholastic bowl, cross country, and many more. Participating in extracurricular activities usually result in at least two hours of practice(s) after a school day (dismissal of school at about 3:30 P.M.). When we students were younger, getting home at 6 or 7 P.M. was okay because homework was very easy and we’re able to get enough sleep. However in high school, we students start to get into more difficult classes; even college leveled classes. These classes usually require at least one hour of time to be spent on homework to do well in the classes. With four difficult classes and extracurricular activities, it is nearly impossible to sleep by 10PM to receive proper sleep. This semester of my senior year, I am taking Western Civilization, English 111-112, Introduction to Business, and U.S. Government I & II; and, I am participating in marching band and scholastic bowl as extracurricular activities. Marching band practices at my school are Tuesday and Thursdays after school to 5 P.M, and football games we must attend and perform at on Fridays. In scholastic bowl, we are expected to study at least an hour on our own every day, and we have matches every Monday. With tough classes that need hours of work, extracurricular activities that require hours of practice, and a necessity for sleep, school starting later than it already does would be a blessing. Not to mention, people do need time to relax from hard work and

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