Why Skateboarding Should Be Banned

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Skateboarding, should it be ban? A lot of people say that skateboards should not be allowed in parks and on city land. Skateboarding is the only way some people have of getting around, so if skateboarding is ban or roads that would be bad. A lot of people just hate skateboarding for no reason. Skating shouldn’t be stopped because it’s what a lot of people do. Skating is the only was a lot of kid of getting around. skating is a really fun way to get around skating is good because you don’t need to hold handle bars like you would on a bike. Having your hands free means you can carry a ball or a stick to a sport practice. Skating has grown a lot in the past few years and there is many skating YouTube channels. Many of them are really big channels as well. A lot of people hate skating because it can be dangerous. skating is dangerous but that’s part of the fun. Something people don’t look at is other dangerous sports. if you saw someone doing parkore you wouldn’t stop them and try to ban parkore where you live. Everything can be dangerous if you don’t do it right, it is also hard to get better so it’s not as dangerous if you’re not allowed to do it. …show more content…

Some skateboarders are not the best people but you can’t say everyone who does bad stuff is a skater or that only skaters do bad stuff. A lot of skatebarders ride street and that’s much different than park so skateboarders riding around most times just get bothered for doing nothing because people don’t like skateboarders. A lot of normal people skate for fun and to do something with their friends and they get yelled at by random people for doing nothing. If someone was riding there bike with their friends you wouldn’t yell at them for just

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