Why School Should Start Later Essay

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Schools are thinking about changing the time when schools start. Picture an not awake student scrambling through the hallway in the morning, struggling to get to class. In fact, studies have shown how lack of sleep can affect our “executive function” that can result in shortened temper, lower motivation, and slower reflexes which is not something we need in life. Despite this, studies have shown that delaying a school can result in saving nine billion dollars in 2 years ( RAND 2018 ). Still, schools start too early causing grades to lower and can even cause some accidents that could have been saved with a good amount of sleep. Lack of sleep can lower test scores, waking yourself up early every day, should stop now. First, the brain and …show more content…

School starting late will lead to school ending later as well. This can affect after-school activities like basketball, soccer, baseball, football etc. For example “ result in shortened times for after-school activities such as sports and clubs, cause students to get home later in the day, and may also impact hours available for after-school jobs” ( MORGAN 2018 ). Later school time might move back the after-school activities, leaving the student with less time or homework or other clubs. Still, the student gets an extra hour of sleep and they would be able to complete the homework for paying attention in school. The student would be more focused on homework, leaving there with no time for extra TV time. In this case “ a later release time, which may reduce the time available for practice and matches” ( Sleep.org 2018 ). A later match is better than having it in the afternoon when the sun is the hottest. The spirit and excitement at a late game are quite more enjoyable than sitting in a ray of sun. In any case “practice times are rescheduled, and in some cases, lights are installed so practice can run a little later” ( Sleep.org 2018 ). Schools have also been adding light stands so that the players were able to see the players and ball. Schools are trying to solve moving school back and it’s

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