Why Ringling Is Important To Me Essay

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Ringling has given me with so many incredible opportunities. From just learning from our supportive faculty to creating projects with my talented peers. I am so thankful for everything I have been able to accomplish. I can’t imagine doing anything else than making films. I enjoy the collaborative process, the pre production, and strangely the paperwork. I mainly enjoy writing, production design, producing, and directing. Watching how each position comes together to create a piece you are all proud of is so fulfilling.What i love most is working with my talented peers and using each others skills to create fun, touching, and entertaining pieces of work. Though it can be rough and things tend to never go as planned; we all do what we can to make each other succeed. . Someone once told me that everything I make is an extension of myself. I can not think of anything more true. No matter what you are making you are capturing a moment in time. When I sit down to write a script I always have the main …show more content…

Filmmaking is that job for me. Though it is hard and filled with literal blood sweat and tears, it is one of the most rewarding jobs a person can have. You put all of your passion into a project that starts on paper and ends on giant screen for the world to see. You make content that people talk about for days and watch over and over again. To be that successful would be a dream come true. To be apart of films that help someone, that entertain a child’s imagination, brings someone to tears, and makes someone laugh is all I want to do. If I can do that as a career, then I will not work a day in my life. I don't know where I am going to go from here but I know I have the skills to be a good filmmaker and the passion to push forward. I am forever thankful for my professors for guiding me, my family for supporting me, and all of the films that ever inspired me for pushing me

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