Why Kids Should Not Be Monitored

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How would you feel if someone you trusted secretly collected personal information about you? Would you feel safe knowing your personal information could, one day, be used against you? Today, many kids are facing this problem. Kids are facing the problem of having their privacy stripped away from them. But, by whom, what? Maybe they are being tracked by an anonymous user seeking to cause trouble? Instead, they are being monitored by the ones they trust the most: their parents. Kids should not be tracked or monitored as monitoring kids sets parents up in a bad relationship with their child. Also, there are many ways to bypass the trackers, and kids knowing they are monitored 24/7 can strip away their ability to learn to make good choices for themselves. Firstly, tracking a kid's private information results in a bad relationship between the kid and the parent. The text "Should Parents Snoop on your Kids Online" states, "Furthermore, Knorr says parents need to recognize that kids "believe that their phones are sacred …show more content…

The article "Technology Let's Parents Track Kids Every Move" says, "Shlozman says that tracking kids also undermines the trust that's critical to their development. He says kids need enough slack to learn to make good choices on their own, not just because they know Mom and Dad are watching." The article further mentions, "That''s the moment of growth -- and you lose that if you monitor them, "Shlozman says, "They won't grow up: they'll get stuck developmentally." How can parents expect their kids to develop into respectable adults if they are preventing their kids from growing up? Tracking kids teaches them to only behave when they are monitored. If they carry that lesson into the real world, they will make bad choices that could endanger them. In short, monitoring a child’s private information leaves them with trust and developmental issues later in

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