Teen Suicide

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As society works to remove the stigma of mental illness, depression is being talked about, but the seriousness of this condition is far from understood. Children and teens are at risk for an illness that was once believed to afflict mainly adults. In reality, teens are just as likely as adults to fall into depression, and researchers and concerned parents alike are looking into this phenomenon. Still, more could be done to help kids struggling with such a dangerous situation.
Having depressed parents makes a child two to three times more likely to also have depression. A mother with depression puts a child on the fast track to anxiety and depression, due to the lack of responsiveness on the part of the mother. Children thrive on the attention …show more content…

People who commit suicide tend to have the same feeling - that there is no other escape from their problems but to die (Rosin). Suicide, especially in a young person, can cause hopelessness within their community. Cluster suicides are uncommon, but teenagers are even more susceptible to rash decisions that cause permanent damage. After hearing of a classmate ending their life, suicide becomes an option that they may not have had before. These clusters can be devastating, and show the lasting effect of depression within groups of adolescents (Rosin). The younger the child is, the more likely that their symptoms will be ignored. Children are seen as unpredictable, and teens are expected to behave irrationally. Kids showing signs of depression are often pushed aside; no one wants to admit that their grade school aged kids could have a serious mental illness. Without proper treatment, these kids could grow up to have full fledged depression and anxiety. Children showing signs of restlessness, irritability, and insecurity are at risk, but these symptoms have to be carefully monitored. Some kids do not have depression, but rather a learning disability causing the same sort of frustration, and some have both (Paul). Not all adolescents with depression will have suicidal tendencies, and the younger they are, the less likely it is, Luckily, there is still much that can be done …show more content…

A recent discovery states that "chronic mental illnesses are predominantly illnesses of the young." This knowledge encourages early diagnosis, in the hopes that the mental illnesses of the young can be treated before the problem becomes lasting (Paul). Kids suffering from depression want to be understood, and self harm blogs can provide an environment in which to express their feelings. Others in similar situations can share experiences that may help to cope. Often times, the families of kids with depression lack an understanding of how he/she lives. Adults may not accept depression as a reality, or refuse to acknowledge what is happening. The internet provides a sense of familiarity among kids all suffering from the same symptoms of a common mental illness (Dewey). Self-harm blogs may encourage kids to express themselves and to be heard. Unfortunately, this also promotes a sort of romanticising of self-harm that only makes matters worse for everyone involved. This sort of mutilation should not be encouraged. Instead, organizations have started the online campaign against self-harm. Groups are posting positive illustrations and writings, paired with tags associated with self-harm, to attract people to encouraging messages (Dewey). Additionally, the use of smart phones can be more beneficial than previously believed. When teens are monitored by cell phone use, there is available proof that their lives may not be

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