3 R's Reflection

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Question 1-(5 points)
View one of the videos and write a reflection paragraph on the content of the video and how you can use the information. I chose the “Currently Playing: The 3 R 's - Relationships, Risks, and Rewards.” Some of the Early Childhood Programs are trying to promote this one for the benefits of the kids. I believe that the 3 R’s (Relationships, Risks, and Rewards) can bring positive and negative effects to some parents. All people have different opinions on this topic. In the video, it stated the quote of Betty Jones, 2012: “Risks, like other learning can be scaffolded, monitored and guided just as a gymnastics coach “sports” practice on the balance beam by being close in case of slippage.” I agree with the quote of Betty Jones. …show more content…

The video shows children point of view about skin color. The teacher shows a picture on which skin color they prefer. Some of them prefer the white skin color because they think whites are nice and good looking compared to blacks that are ugly. On the other hand, some kids say that skin color is not important, what matters is the personality or inside. They add that there is no difference between blacks and whites because they are same people. In this video, it show their perspectives about the topic of skin color and it also affects their point of view, such as hearing from adults’ perspective. The reason why they choose white color because they heard it from adults. Adults should be more careful on showing some actions and they should be a good model for them. We should help them to understand well that every human beings are unique. It does not matter if you have different kinds of skin color, the matter is that we have equal human rights and other things that would help the children to understand …show more content…

Link: http://au.professionals.reachout.com/breaking-down-barriers-to-help-seeking Like what the information said, this will help adults and children to understand the barriers to help seeking, understand the help seeking process and discover effective facilitators of help seeking. This will help them on how to break the barriers in terms of seeking of help. This information is very useful because it gives tips and techniques the process of seeking help.
2. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBjEU3d3joI This video shows how kid is having a hard time to understand the lesson or topic. He does not have confidence to ask some questions. This clip give some tips on how to seek some help in terms of kids are having a hard time to understand the lesson. The tips are first to project yourself and asks some questions. In that way, the students can verify if he is right or wrong. The kids should never be scared to ask some help and they should overcome their fear to attain their needs.

These two links are very informative and detailed. It is very helpful that they seek for help and ask some resources that would benefit them in learning, school and other things. Parents and children must not be afraid to ask some help for

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