Why Is Political Propaganda Important To Elect A New President?

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A new President is chosen every four years to run our country. Campaigns play a big part in electing our president because the campaigns convince people to vote for them through propaganda. Political propaganda plays a big role in electing our president, convinces voters, can make other candidate look bad and get their believes out to the public. Propaganda is a type of advertising to try and get one to vote for you or to convince voters to not vote for the opposing parties. Every four years on the second tuesday in November we elect a new president or reelect the same president. Political propaganda helps presidents get their beliefs and what they want to do when they become president. Document B is showing a TV ad for President Reagan trying to convince the public to reelect him. “Why would we ever want to return to where we were just four short years ago?”. This quote is basically saying that nobody would be the better at president than anyone else running for president. Ads in TV commercials and on billboards play a big role in convincing voters to vote for a certain candidate. In the recent election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton campaign propaganda helped Donald Trump …show more content…

Most presidents try and convince voters in the bigger states like California, Texas, Florida, New York and etc. General Dwight Eisenhower in Document C he answers a girls question with the answer she and most of the country probably wanted to hear about lowering prices in the economy. If the voters like you thats a positive sign that you will probably have success in the upcoming election. Especially if you win the big states and the key states you need to win the electoral votes that you need. Donald Trump convinced his voters that he would be the one to change America and to make it great again and look what it did he is now the President of the United States of

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