Discipline: Corpal Punished Or Disciplined Child?

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Children are a precious gift that God gives to adults as they grow in life, from adolescence to adulthood. Individuals are raised from different walks of life and many diverse backgrounds. As adults progress from childhood to adulthood they begin to develop a parental guidance. However, some parents never interpret the correct way to care for a child, creating a negative effect on their life. I feel that it is important to enforce discipline at a young age. Discipline is a great responsibility that all parents need to grasp in order to raise obedient and healthy children, creating an enjoyable life as they mature and become adults. Disciplining a child properly is a method that you as a person have to create. When correcting a child, I believe …show more content…

A child's behavior is seen by his or her outward actions, seeking attention from surrounding individuals causing chaos due to insecurities. The behavior of a corporal punished child establishes self-harm. Corporal punishment produces a child to create pain upon his or her body, leaving scars for life. Children often aspire to find a way to cope with their problems; turning to drugs, battling suicide, or even choosing to abuse their own children when they become adults. Behavioral problems tend to cause a child to have long-term illnesses as they develop throughout life. An illness of the mind and body can affect the establishment of a relationship, producing negative outcomes on marriages. I believe that parents should shower their children with love and care, giving the best method of positive enforcement. A way to correct a child without physical abuse is to use some form of timeout for the child instead of hands on. Using an alternative such as timeout will allow a child to realize the parents' care for them without having to harm them in any …show more content…

People tend to forget that verbal abuse can scar children and diminish their self-esteem. Children do not deserve to be treated with verbal abuse, instead one should speak kind words of encouragement. Encouragement is an element that can be used to lighten a child's emotions. Reassuring a child is an aspect of positive discipline; however, some children live a lifestyle where encouragement is not accustomed to them. "I was an only child, and her constant criticism and putting me down made me feel terrible about myself, and it made me double my efforts to please her" (Aileen). Harsh words can humiliate a child and leave them ashamed of their life, with no respect towards their parents. "Words are still damaging when you have one loving parent who uses his or her words with care and one who is verbally aggressive and abusive" (Ann Polcari). Verbal abuse "inflicts deep emotional pain", leading to children having bitterness. Yelling in a child's face is not the best way to correct them when they are young. Instead, correct them with a punishment, teaching them a lesson. I believe that parents should punish their child for something they like, rather than screaming at them for what they did wrong. Parents need to correct their children in the right manner and with

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