Five Protective Factors Framework

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The “Strengthening Families approach and five protective factors framework” was first introduced by the Center for the Study of Social Policy (or CSSP) in 2003. This is a research-informed, strengths-based initiative for preventing child abuse and neglect in families of children ages 0 to 5. The goal was to formulate an evidence-informed approach that would reach a broad range of children and families. This was done by using findings from field observations, a thorough review of research studies, and advice from prevention and early childhood experts.

The five protective factors are attributes and conditions that help to keep all families strong and on a pathway toward healthy development and well-being. They are associated in the research literature with lower rates of child abuse and neglect and with optimal child development.

The five protective factors are:

1. Parent Resilience:
Parental …show more content…

Such knowledge helps parents better understand and care for their children. It is important that information is available when parents need it, that is, when it is relevant to their life and their child. Parents whose own families used harsh discipline techniques or parents of children with developmental or behavior problems or special needs require extra support in building this protective factor.
3. Social and Emotional Competence of Children:
A child’s ability to interact positively with others, to self-regulate, and to effectively communicate his or her emotions has a great impact on the parent-child relationship. Children with challenging behaviors are more likely to be abused, so early identification and intervention helps keep their development on track and keeps them safe. Also, children who have experienced or witness violence need a safe environment that offers trauma-informed care and helps them to develop normally.
4. Social

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