How People Are Affected By Their Environment

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People are affected by their environments in many different ways. Sometimes, it can be a positive change, and others, a more negative change. They can be changed physically, mentally, and emotionally. It could be if they are more of a leader than a follower or if they have high, or low self esteem, this is all changed by their environment. People are affected physically through their environment both positively and negatively. People are born and raised in different environments and already that can change who you are, If you are born in a very sunny place you are going to be more tanned and have higher levels of vitamins than someone who lives in a place with less sun. If you are constantly in a cold location, your body will get used to …show more content…

The environment can change the way you act and the way you think. The mentality of someone can change whether it be the physical environment or social environment. If a person is surrounded by the cold of winter all year round, They will become more used to daily tasks such as wiping off the windshield of their car and start making decisions off of the weather, they might choose to stay inside if the snow is two big, or they might choose to leave with a snowmobile instead of their car, now this may seem normal, but someone in a very hot environment would never think of that and more of the clothing they might wear. Violence on television can also be a big factor of the desensitization of children's mentality. Childrens thought patterns can be easily molded in different ways such as if a child is constantly watching someone being killed on television, they might not be able to identify that what happens on television versus real life. Even kids today, are completely normal with death. I feel that because parents allow kids to view such violent things are cause kids to desensitize. This is an example of negative mentality. A more positive form of mentality would be fitness. People love to fit in, If everyone around a person is athletic, fit and works out a lot, that person will try to fit in, walk every wear, and act like everyone else, putting them self in better …show more content…

As a child, it is important that you receive positive and negative reinforcement so you know what is right and wrong. If a child is insulted their entire life and told that everything they do is wrong, they will have a very unstable life with allot of uncertainty and most times end up depressed, however if a child is complemented and everything they do is enforced with positivity, they will end up with high self esteem and have a more enjoyable life. There also is a tipping point though, if a child is constantly enforced with positivity regardless of what happens, they won't know what is right or wrong, this is a big issue because they will do harm, and be unaware of the consequences, but like complements, there is a tipping point for insults. If a child is insulted all his life even if they did the correct thing, like the positivity child, the negativity child won't recognize what is right and what is wrong, but they will think differently. When a child gets older, into teenage years, their emotions become more sensitive because of hormones. This age is just as sensitive as when they are a child, because they are more sensitive, they are easier to mold to be a depressed introvert, to an exuberant social butterfly. This does not limit the effect of environment when people get older, and people are constantly being

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