Why Is America More Exceptional Than Others

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In recent decades, many have started to believe that America believes we are exceptional. But does America believe that we are more exceptional than other countries? There are multiple reasons why other people and countries believe that America, as a country in whole, believe that we are above most others. Although I disagree with the statement that America believes that we are more exceptional than others, I agree with the statements made of Americans becoming more confident over the years and that all countries have their own special qualities that sets them apart from other countries. Over the years, America’s self-confidence has risen exponentially. According to David Brooks, “there is some evidence to suggest that Americans have taken self-approval up a notch …show more content…

In my opinion, yes, America is an exceptional place to reside. We can count on our military and the Department of Homeland Security to keep us safe, we have companies that are willing to motivate and encourage people to believe in themselves, we have great teachers who ensure that the younger generation can make something of themselves if they choose to, the list could go on. But who is to say that other countries don’t have those things as well, if not others that America is lacking. Sometimes we stumble and fall, but we get back up the best way we know how and we try to learn from our mistakes. Every country has their positives and every country has things that need to be improved, but there is something unique and different about each and every country that can make that country be considered exceptional. I wouldn’t say that America isn’t modest, I would say that American’s take pride in the country they reside

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