Why Is Adoption Important In The World

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one reason why adoption has had an influence in the world in a good way is because it has given hope to certain people. for example, those who can not have a natural born baby, but want to care and have one of their own. well now they get to experience what it feels like to have a baby of their own. with adoption there are certain regulations which is good, because that way we and the people know that the kid they have are leaving in a good family. with good parents who are in a good place and are in a great relationship. i would say that is why massachusetts passed the first modern law in 1851. they made sure that everyone recognized adoption as a child welfare and not an adult interest. (www.britannica.com)
Another example would be that it allowed those children that didn't have a family to get the chance to have one of their own. adoption has helped so many children around the world. it has helped them by finding them their own family who really cares for them and to protect them. the child citizenship act of 2000 allowed foreign adoptions to become automatic american citizens. right when they entered the united states. (www.childwelfare.com) that is why adoption is the best thing that has ever happened in the word, but it's also because i know that it truly has helped so many people in the past and present. just like it has so …show more content…

which was the los angeles county bureau of adoption. they also had another name for that program, which was named the single parents adoption. it was put in place to locate homes for hard to place children with special needs. that program (www.naeyc.org) that program in my point of view was the best thing that could ever happened. it was the most braves thing for those children because it showed them that they would always have love. that it didn't matter how they were because everyone was special in their own

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