Why I Want To Go To College

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When I was little I was always looking forward to the day I hit High School. Most kids dream of what they want to be and where they would love to go to college, but would change as they get older. That is not the case for me. Ever since I was little, I have always dreamed of going to work for the government and go to Miami Oxford for college. To this day my dreams have never changed. Today is the day I have finally reached high school and thinking about what my plans are for when I graduate. The first journey after high school for will be joining the National Guard. I plan on serving at least 5 to 7 years in the Guard. I have recently been interested in joining and learned it will help me alot with my career. I get a free ride to any college I want in Ohio, which I really want to go to Miami Oxford, so why not take this opportunity. I would also be getting paid more than if I had a regular job. Along with this I also jumped at the opportunity to start a retirement plan so I will be rich by the time I leave the National Guard! …show more content…

I found out I can be in the National Guard and be in school at the same time, so the money will help me out a lot in college. I plan on going to college for 6 years and majoring in Criminal Justice or something relating to it. I think one of the major reasons I want to go to Miami so much is both of my parents attending and graduating from there. I don’t want to go there just because my parents did, but I have researched that they have one of the best business schools around. If I decide not to work in the field I want anymore, I will not have to go back to school to get a different

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