Why I Want To Become A Staff Member

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I want to become a staff Member to give back to the community. Also if I was staff I would help people and if they give some things I can improve on I will do it. Being a staff member will take a lot of responsibility and commitment. I'm very active and i can ban people if they broke a rule fairly. I would also mute for Spam, Racism, and Death threats or wishes. Another reason i want to become staff is to tell Higher staff members of the problems that are happening and let the voice of the players be heard. Another thing I don't like that I wont just not ban Friends or youtubers, I would give them a Fair ban like anyone else in the community. Another reason is to mostly try to stop hackers. I'm very active and in freeze the hackers or assist players waiting in teamspeak. …show more content…

I'm not the type of guy to abuse powers like maybe others are. If I find a staff member abusing for a player I would tell a higher staff member to look into it and determine if he is abusing or not. Being staff will be a another great experience I can take into life and into this game. Being staff will make me more responsibly and more mature for whatever I need in my life! Also I've been there when there is a hacker and u /report and no staff are on and u die. If I was staff I would see the /reports and help the players. And also Staff would be awesome because i could do Staff series. I want to become staff because I want to help the server. Helping the server can make a server with 20 to 200 if you put in the work and help all the players you can. I consider myself a very helpful person and that's what I want to do with my time if I do become staff! I hope I can become staff to assist the needs of the players in game, on the forums, or in

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