Why I Chose Scholarship

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To me, a college education is my chance to put in the work that will allow me to eventually create opportunities for others. As a young girl my mother and grandmother always taught me the importance of giving back. Giving back never truly meant something to me until I lost my grandmother 3 years ago.My grandmother was a person who devoted her entire life making sure the people around her were happy, even at times when she may not have been happy herself. Losing one of my biggest supporters was very detrimental to me personally, socially and academically. I never truly realized the influence that a loved one could have on my life until she was taken away from me. I decided to use this loss as my motivation for me to be successful in the future …show more content…

I volunteered at a local food service program and whenever I see someone on the street I always help out in any way possible but I would like to be more charitable in bigger ways. While in college, I plan to get involved in volunteer groups and eventually start a few of my own. If possible I would love to continue with some of my volunteer groups throughout law school. Once I truly get my career started I would like to create a nonprofit program for young teens who plan to obtain a career in law. I will create opportunities for the young adults and help them in any ways that I can. I also would like to create a program for hunger and homelessness. I would like to create some type of charity that allows the average person to give back in any way that they can. Many people are hesitant to help people on the street because they are unsure what the person may do with the money they give them. I would like to create a system where people can give money to those in need and monitor what they use the money for. This could be done through a credit system where people in need register and are given a card. This system would allow people to see exactly who they donated their money to and what that individual spent the amount of money on. I've expressed this idea to many of my peers, family members and …show more content…

It would make me feel extremely happy and accomplished knowing that I allowed other people to make someone else smile. For me, educating myself is the first step at achieving this goal. In order for me to accomplish this objective I will need to make the most of all opportunities that may come my way. I began this process by making the most of my senior year. I decided to enroll in AP classes , get involved in extracurricular activities and I obtained a job to get a sense of the work force. As I begin my college venture I plan to continue to work hard and make the best of all of my social and academic opportunities. In addition a college education would mean a step towards a greater life for me and my family. My mother and father have both worked hard to put me in great schools and give me opportunities to better my future. Through my academic years, I have always taken responsibility in myself to make sure my grades were always up to par. It is now up to me to decide which direction my future will go.Through each of these influences, I am determined to achieve my goals by making the best of my education. An education is also my chance to defy the stereotypes that are placed upon people like

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