Everyone Should Pursue College

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There are many reasons why individuals pursue college. College allows for people to experience adult life. It will give individuals many skills. Some reasons why people attend college are to learn more about responsibility and the importance of independence, meet new friends, achieve higher quality for individuals themselves and their families, and to get a satisfying job. Believe it or not, taking the time and commitment of pursuing college will benefit you later in life.
For most people, parents are a big reason why individuals go to college. They want their children to have a successful life. As any parent would tell their kids if you want it then work for it. Nothing is given to you for free. Also, parents want them to be put in a new environment and experience what that would be like. In this source “Top 10 Reasons Students Should Pursue a College Education”, it says “Surrounding yourself with thousands of intellectuals and professionals will ultimately open new doors for you, and offer new and exciting opportunities.” Going to college and being around professionals and seeing what they have accomplished makes …show more content…

Think about it going to college will teach discipline because individuals won’t have their parents or anyone to get them out of it. Being away in college makes individuals be more independence. Like they will not have people to help them. It will teach and allow them to know that they cannot always relay on others. In this source “How college can make you more independence” it says, “Students learn how to become independent when they start managing their time according to their own capabilities.” When you go off to college it probably be like the first-time individuals will not have their parents or guardians to do things for them. College will defiantly allow them to prepare for their adult life when it comes to learning how to be

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