Why I Became An Officer

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I Corporal Ramirez is striving to become an Officer in the United States Marine Corps. There are many different reasons why I am eager to become an OFficer. At an early age I knew I wanted to be just like my dad, who would always go on deployments, taking care of his sailors, and serving his country proud. Although he was never home I knew he had to be out there making sure that the ship is up and running and that his ship mates were always on deck. As the backbone of the United States Marine Corps I know the importance of being a vital link for my Commander, and all Officers, and Enlisted Marines, in addition I will never forget who I am, and the traditions I must uphold. Comming from a line of faimly mbembers who have served proudly served before me in other branches is one of the main reasons why I wanted to join the Military, I wanted to lead by example, and I know the importance of the livelihood of all the Marines and Sailors under your command. At a young age I knew I wanted to be just like my father (who is now a retired Chief in the United States Navy and has served 27 years.) My dad constantly tells me to this day make sure you take care of the ones you work with because their welfare is what really matters. Although you might have to yell at them every once in a while, you can never forget that they will always count on you for everything. You never want them to be scared of you where they cannot talk to you, but where they know the limit that they can talk to you about anything and when work needs to get done it will get done. Growing up my dad always took care of his sailors whether if hes throwing them a BBQ or having them come over for a home cooked meal. I understood very early that the military isnt about just ... ... middle of paper ... ...the nation is least ready. As a Marine, and as leader of other Marines we constantly strive to not only better ourselves, but the future of the Corps. We as NCO 's must ensure that the traditions are helled higher, and so is our morals as a United States Marine. The reason why we must ensure that we are the best is because the United States does not need the Marine Corps. The Marine Corps has Pilots, but so does the Air Force, we have infantry, but so does the Army, The Marine Corps has Special Operations, and so does the Navy. We as Marines know that we are the smallest service, and we are not needed because the other branches have the same Military Occupational Specialty that we do, but we are wanted by the citizens of the United States, because we have a drive to kill the enemy, and to never give up because we fight for our love ones, our country, and our freedom.

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