Children's Development Of A Military Child

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Many children are born into families that are a part of a branch of the military. Parents may wonder if the constant moving and deployment will bring negative effects on a child’s development. The rigorous lifestyle of the military can have negative effects on the children’s development growing up, but the opportunity of living as a military child is a culturally diverse, socially strong, and mature development of characteristics. The military life offers many benefits for raising a child. Have a family in the military lifestyle can greatly help the children’s development of positives characteristics. From the parent’s perspective it may be easier to move constantly compared to a child’s but, the benefits can make for memorable experiences …show more content…

Many characteristics are instilled into active members of any military branch to promote resilience and respect. For the children in a military family are nurtured and grown on those traits to develop quality citizens of the future. The respect and honor that is adopted by the children will carry on with them forever. Small aspects such as manners are commonly seen due to the military stress on respect. Prideful nationalism is also developed for military children being around many active duty military families. Andy grew up as a military child and he assures, “Being in a military family I can appreciate the veterans and their families more.” (Moore) Military children recognize the importance of sacrificial service that their parent committed. This ensures parents that raising a child in the military can help develop an appreciative, respectful, and prideful child by experiencing and interacting within the military lifestyle. The military provides a strong structure or values and traits that promote a healthy development of characteristics for …show more content…

The military lifestyle offers the opportunity for children to develop strong characteristics growing up. A study by Richard Lerner reveals, “Children who move can "reinvent" themselves; they can try out new activities, explore different social relationships, and develop new interests and talents. In one study, 75 percent of military parents reported that moving enhanced their children's development” (Lerner) Parents have seen the positives of moving and reveal that it enhanced their child’s development. Thus creates more adventures and allows for the children to be more open to try new activities and interests. This statistic shows that moving can be a major factor in developing socially active characteristics. Being able to move can promote more diverse set of traits for children to pick up. Activities such as sports can help promote teamwork, leadership, or even competitive nature while, new interests like playing an instrument can develop more traits of hard working, dedication, and intuitive. These characteristics promote positive growth in a child’s development socially. Being more outgoing and more accustomed to new environments and experiences help the children socialize and adapt to new

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