Why Have Mental Illnesses Mandatory In Schools?

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Timed Writing
Mental illness can impact every aspect of one’s life, destroying the buoyant life they once lived. Often the individual doesn't know why their life is crumbling, drowning them in despair. This happens far too often in teens and children, and without anyone noticing, it makes death seem like the only option. Consequently, suicide has risen 50% for teenage girls and 30% for teenage boys, so it's no surprise Americans want a fix. But how do you reach out to 74.2 million children? Every American child is required to go to school. By making mental health screenings mandatory in schools, it would help thousands, if not millions of children.
Not only do screenings allow the schools to help students, but can also relieve students. If a child knows of their condition, it could give them hope. Of course no one wants to hear they are depressed, but it would explain what was happening to them. They’d know why they were struggling and that there is a solution. The knowledge alone can be revolutionary for some individuals. …show more content…

Not being able to concentrate in school is actually a symptom for mental illnesses (Everett). The anxiety, aggravation, restlessness, and lack of concentration make it difficult to excel in school, but it's not just the symptoms that distract a student from learning, but the overall lack of motivation. When a student feels like there's nothing left for them, no one can expect them to care about their grades. In fact, that’s probably the least of their concerns. If schools had mental health screenings they’d know which students were struggling with the condition, allowing the child to get proper treatment and return to a normal life. Not only will the student gain back the desire, or at least ability to learn, but also allow them to move past that horrific time and

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