Rhetorical Analysis to Defend Mental Health in Schools Act

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I think we should really value the mental health of our children in the society if we want to develop this great Nation. The psychological well-being of our children affects us both directly and indirectly whether we accept this fact or not. It is very important that we ensure that our beloved children have the capabilities to adapt to the stresses, working productively both in school and also contribute to the developments in the community. Problems associated with mental illness or health are very common in this society especially in the institutions of learning be it high schools, colleges or even universities. Some health problems associated with mental health include depressions, bipolar disorders, anxiety disorders and at time schizophrenia. It is therefore of vital importance to encourage and promote the improvement of mental health among our children. Studies done by researchers have shown that at least one out of five students here in the United States of America experience or suffer from mental health disorders or illnesses. The attention these youths receive is very wanting. I was more than shocked to find that only 21% of the American youth with diagnosable mental disorders receive medical care and I had to emphasize this point in my letter. The remaining 80% are ignored. The increased numbers of untreated mental illnesses have turned out to be very tragic. The end results have been increased rates of suicides among children who fall between the ages of ten and fourteen. In fact suicide is now among one of the leading causes of deaths for young youths between ages of 15 and 24. Cases of homicide and school bullying have also increased as a result. In my letter to the senator, I sensitized that many students usually dr... ... middle of paper ... ...will have a very easy time of teaching students. Less time will be used by the teachers to issue punishment threats to the student. Studies have shown that students who attend mental health programs for a period of at least one year will have increased attendance rates in schools and have better grades in their exams. If the mental health care is introduced in schools, then the rates of violent incidents in school will decrease by about 15 percent. In the letter written to the Senator of Colorado, I urged him to use his influence in the house to get this bill passed into law. I also like to urge other senators as parents and our government officials to work hard and ensure that this bill of ‘Mental Health in Schools Act’ passes and fully becomes law. It is true that this piece of legislation will give our youths and children the futures that they really deserve.

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