Why Everyone Should Be Vegetarian

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How many of you have pets? Live on a farm? Have animals who you love dearly? Well, think of those animals getting killed and then you eating them! Innocent animals are getting killed for meat and secondary products and if people did not eat meat, such evil places as animal slaughterhouses would not exist. Vegetarians are well aware that they are helping animals but they are also helping themselves. Becoming vegetarian will help save innocent animals, save the environment and keep your body healthier.
Our human body was not meant to eat or digest meat, in fact our teeth are not meant to chew meat. Carnivores have pointy teeth and sharp canine teeth to rip meat and flesh. Human teeth are flat and made to grind vegetables and plants. Even though almost every mammal has canine teeth you just can’t assume that our canine teeth were given to us to eat meat. Cardiologist William C. Roberts who is the editor in chief of The American Journal of Cardiology and medical director of the Baylor Heart and Vascular Institute at Baylor University says, "I think the evidence is pretty clear. If you look at various characteristics of carnivores or herbivores, it doesn't take a genius to see where humans lineup." The carnivore body has short intestines that are only 3-6 times the body length and the intestines are straight tubes to get rid of fatty acids before they purify in the body. Humans and herbivores have intestines that are 10-11 times their body length. The human intestines are longer to break down plants and are meant to absorb as much water as possible. Also, the human liver can not detoxify the excess vitamin A that comes from meat. The carnivores liver can. We cannot think we were meant to eat something that we clearly are not.

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