Why Do Ordinary People Perform Heroic Deeds

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Nobody can accomplish everything they want to do. Maybe there was a time when someone could have performed a heroic deed for the world, but something held them back. All superheroes (imaginable and real) have faced times in their lives where they couldn’t save the day, but it’s normal. Maybe one day, Bruce Wayne couldn’t turn into Batman and stop a jewelry store robbery all because he was sick with the flu. Or the average high school bystander couldn’t stop a bully because the tardy bell rang and he was late to band. Things will stop everybody from doing something good for someone at least once in their life. There are many challenges and obstacles that might prevent a person from wanting to be truly heroic, such as fear and their peer’s opinions.
Franklin D. Roosevelt once said “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” That quote will …show more content…

However, people have the power to control their own life and do what’s right, so they can’t let those factors control them. If somebody were to look around, they will probably see many ordinary people that actually perform good deeds everyday, but occasionally are stopped by their own personal fears or their peer’s negative opinions. If that person were to think back to a time when they actually stopped themselves from doing something heroic and brave, it would be pretty recent, but they can change that. They can overcome that fear and block out negative comments, be a light in the darkness, become a hero, and not let anything stop them because they can do this. No, this is not some motivational speech, but it’s advice to help everybody make this world a better place and become a real life hero. If somebody were to take away anything from this essay that they’ll probably forget tomorrow, never let anything in the world stop anybody from doing what’s right, not even fear or other’s opinions. Everybody can do

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