Examples Of Bilbo's Transformation In The Hobbit

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Not all superheroes wear capes. As an example, in the novel, ‘The Hobbit’, Bilbo Baggins goes from Hobbit to Hero as the book progresses. Throughout the novel, Bilbo fends off a variety of monsters, from goblins to a killer dragon! At first, he wouldn’t even leave his little hobbit hole, but he seeked out a mass murderer’s weak point! That is amazing! How did he manage to do that? Well, he developed the characteristics of a good ol’ hero along the way, those being strong and brave, clever and intelligent, and the ability to be selfless in all of the right situations. At the beginning of the novel, Mr. Baggins starts out at his comfy little hobbit home, but suddenly a grand, wise wizard shows up. Not long after, 12 dwarves began to appear, one by one at Bilbo’s door, and they have come to carry him off on a life-changing adventure, full of greed. That was the beginning of our hairy hobbit’s transformation from a shy, quiet hobbit, to a strong and bold life-saving hero, who enchants any who come in contact with him. For example of his strength and boldness, would be in chapter 5, when Bilbo rhymes riddles for an unknown creature, who calls itself Gollum. Bilbo would’ve been eaten if he were to have lost, but took his chances, and risked it anyway. After all, it did get him out of that goblin-infested cave. Clever; quick to understand, learn, and …show more content…

Especially nowadays, with all of the enhanced technology and such. However, Tolkien wrote about in his book, ‘The Hobbit’, a selfless, short, hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. Being selfless is a humongous responsibility, but it came as a second nature to Bilbo. Such as, when he gave the Arkenstone to one of the dwarves on his crew, Bard, in order for him to buy his belongings back from Thorin, the leader of the group. Bilbo did not have to do such a thing, he could have simply kept the beautiful gem for himself, but decided against it, and donated the stone to

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