Why Are AP Exams Important?

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In colleges and high schools, there is frequent talk of AP exams and classes. But what is AP? AP stands for Advanced Placement and is a type of college-level class offered at high schools. This gives advanced students an opportunity to be challenged and possibly earn college credit. Unfortunately, college credit can be earned through a score on the AP exam. This exam is in May and “one of the things that makes AP unique from other programs like IB or dual-enrollment courses is that you can take an AP test without taking the AP class,”(Nolan). If a student wants an opportunity to get college credit in a subject in which he excels, he can register to take the AP exam. Every college has different definitions of passing the exam. So what does all this mean? The AP exam is extremely important for the opportunity to be further prepared for college and to test knowledge in a subject. First of all, the AP exams are scored on a scale from one to five. People often mistake this exam as a pass-fail test. However, every college has a different expectation for the exam. Laura Roman writes, “They are administered by the College Board and depending on a student's score, could result in early college …show more content…

Less than 10 percent of the students taking the exam will receive a score of 5. Around 50 percent of students will receive credit for their scores. Students should elect to take this exam to “compare themselves with other students across the nation, [and] to receive college credit..at their colleges,”(Rankin). Even if credit is not earned, the AP exam is still helpful. Colleges look favorably upon applicants who have elected to challenge themselves and take AP courses. Just by taking the class, colleges will know that the student likes a challenge. Colleges like students who loves challenges and are willing to think outside the box. Obviously, the AP Literature and Composition exam is extremely

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