Who Is Responsible For Sam Westing's Death

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In The Westing Game Novel Sam Westing was supposedly murdered and the 16 heirs in The Sunset Towers are trying to find who the murderer is. The heirs who finds the murderer gets his 200 million dollars but, I think that he isn’t dead and that he is Sandy McSouthers and he’s trying to get back at Mrs. Westing for Violet's death. I believe that Sam Westing was not murdered. He isn’t dead and the body that Turtle found in the Westing house, she said to J. J. Ford “‘But Mr. Westing didn’t look murdered,’ Turtle argued. ‘He looked asleep, like he did in the coffin. He looked like a wax dummy.’” (129). In the newspaper it said “Samuel W. Westing, the mysterious industrialist who disappeared thirteen years ago, was found dead in his Westingtown

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