When Bad Things Happen To Good People By Harold Kushner

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In When Bad Things Happen to Good People, Harold Kushner, a Rabbi, provides the reader with multiple thought provoking stories. Although it is his own book, it has little to do with Kushner himself. He, like many others, has experienced loss and began to question his belief in God. If God is the almighty figure many make him out to be, why would he cause harm to his faithful followers? Kushner asks the questions many are afraid and refuse to ask, and he helps guide others who have experienced such trouble as well.
Kusher gets straight to the point in the first few pages of his book. We, as humans, assume that we deserve what we get. Somewhere along the way we have sinned and deserve what happens. We focus the attention on ourselves so we can keep viewing God as a righteous judge. God is simply being like a caring parent in hopes we can see he only means well, and hopes one way we can see why he would cause such pain. Kushner believes that maybe God is not the cause of our suffering, but that God is there to help.
Kusher tells the reader about The Book of Job. Job is a good man who...

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