Life Is So Good by George Dawson and Richard Glaubman

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Life Is So Good by George Dawson and Richard Glaubman

Good Afternoon Ms. McCafferty, I made this appointment because I passionately believe that the book, Life is so good written by George Dawson and Richard Glaubman should be on the Carey booklist for Year 9 students. Life is so good is a magnificent part biography, part autobiography of a 103 year old black man named George Dawson who went to school to learn to read and write when he was 98 years old.

George Dawson may be 103 but he can still walk without a cane and can remember his life with an uncanny ability. That is why there is so much detail in this book. Life is so good tells of his hard life from when he was only 6 years old and living on a farm in the outer region of a town called Marshall in Southern Texas. In an early c...

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