What's Eating Gilbert Grape Autism

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Media can be used as an educational tool, it has the ability to teach individuals things they would typically stay ignorant to. The film What’s Eating Gilbert Grape showcases autism. Leonardo DiCaprio plays Arnie, an eighteen year old that appears to be living with autism in the 1980’s. The movie shows how Arnie’s cognitive disability affects his family and his day to day life. Through the work of the screenwriter, Peter Hedges, the viewer is able to see an accurate portrayal of autism and how it changes the lives of the people surrounding Arnie. What’s Eating Gilbert Grape is able to do all of this while maintaining clinical accuracy and informing the masses on a topic that is not widely discussed. What’s Eating Gilbert Grape focusses on …show more content…

These common attributes include: repetitive patterns of behavior, following routines, inappropriate giggling, and patterns of extreme reactivity or lack of fear. Some good examples of Arnie’s routines and repetitive behavior include: Gilbert talking about how every year Arnie and him go to watch the RVs and campers drive through Endora, and there are multiple scenes throughout the movie where Arnie climbs into trees and plays ‘where’s Arnie’ with Gilbert and Amy. On several occasions Arnie laughs at things that are inappropriate. A good example is when the whole Grape family is sitting at the table and the death of the father comes up. Arnie begins to giggle uncontrollably prompting his mother to become hysterical. Arnie also shows lack of fear when he continuously climbs up the water tower despite threats made by the police. Finally another typical trait that many with autism possess is extreme reactions to pain. Several times Arnie goes to Gilbert battered and bruised, but he seems to barely register it. But with all of these traits that Arnie shows, it seems like the screenwriter and producers promote these characteristics in a negative …show more content…

The screenwriter and the directors of the movie were able to embed so much information on autism that it makes the movie an excellent learning tool. It also shows how a whole family can be affected by autism, and how it takes more than one person to look after a cognitively impaired individual. The relationship Arnie has with Gilbert and Amy is remarkable. Gilbert is his main guardian. Gilbert is most concerned with Arnie and with making sure nothing harms him. But Gilbert is still caught up in how it could be potentially embarrassing to be associated with Arnie, and through the film we see Gilbert evolve into a better person who no longer cares what others might think about his relationship with Arnie. And Amy takes the maternal role in the family. Amy does not have a job so she can stay home and provide for the family. She has to make sacrifices because their family dynamic is so different because they have an autistic brother. Amy and Gilbert have to lead such different lives so they can accommodate Arnie. Leonardo DiCaprio, Peter Hedges and the director of the movie do a good job making sure that Arnie follows stereotypical actions that are associated with autistic children. He giggles at inopportune times, he follows the same pattern on several occasions, and shows little pain. To me they rely too much on those stereotypes. And by doing that they make Arnie look like he is a lesser person

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