Christopher Boone And Temple Grandin Essay

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Compare and Contrast Essay Between Christopher Boone and Temple Grandin What is Autism? It’s a developmental disorder that impairs one’s ability to communicate and interact with others. Christopher Boone from the novel A Curious Incident in the Nighttime and Temple Grandin, who has become one of the top scientists in the humane livestock handling industry both fall on the high-functioning spectrum of autism. Even so, they do not display the exact same traits and behaviors. Whereas Grandin thinks in pictures and employs this unique gift for practical use, Christopher thinks in patterns and fails communicate his talents with others. However, they both speak their mind and have trouble understanding facial expressions and emotions. One characteristic shared by Grandin and Christopher is that they both speak their mind regardless of how others might react and the …show more content…

One that stands out is their different ways of thinking. In the beginning of the movie, Temple states, “I think in pictures”(Jackson, Temple Grandin). Not only does she think in pictures, she also connects them and judge people and things based on her picture web. For example, when she sees the automatic sliding door, she is afraid to enter it because she connects it to the guillotine (Jackson, Temple Grandin). This greatly affects the way she judge objects and people. On the other hand, although Christopher has a film-like memory, he doesn’t use it in his thinking. Christopher thinks in patterns. He has an obsession with prime numbers (Haddon 11), he calms himself by doubling numbers and doing quadratic equations in his head (163), and he believes that seeing yellow cars mean bad days while red cars mean good days (24) not because it is logical but to maintain a pattern in his daily life. Their difference in thinking affects how they respond to situations, their perspectives, and also their

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