What the Audience Learns about the Characters of Macbeth and Banquo

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What the Audience Learns about the Characters of Macbeth and Banquo

Macbeth is a play written by Shakespeare in 1606. The play itself is a

twisting tragedy, showing that even the strongest of people can be

influenced in the wrong way. The play portrays the collapse of

Macbeth: a trusted, brave, loyal servant of Scotland, but under the

influence of evil he slowly turns into a malicious murderer.

Throughout the beginning of the play you have been introduced to the

characters of: the evil and scheming witches, who are plotting to give

Macbeth two predictions: that he is going to be the Thane of Cawdor

and King. Since Macbeth is an ambitious person he will peruse these

dreams and predictions. Also you have been introduced to King Duncan,

Scotland’s great King who has a lot foes.

The audience haven’t seen Macbeth yet and he is made out to be a brave

and strong man who can conquer all aspects of evil, the audience don’t

know him well enough so far. In the 1st scene the witches are plotting

Macbeth’s fate, they are organizing where and when they are going to

meet. They look in the future to decide.

After the battle we eventually get to meet Macbeth and his best friend

Banquo, who are on their way home from the battle, when they first

meet the witches. This scene is crucial to understanding what the

Macbeth’s and Banquo’s persona is like.

After first meeting the witches Macbeth quotes; “Speak if you can; who

are you?” The witches are strange looking and very unnatural beings;

and Macbeth wants to know whom they are; but he’s also unsure about

them, which in the end makes him naturally inquisitive.

On the other hand, later on Ba...

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...phecies will betray Macbeth. Once

more Banquo does not trust evil beings and he is trying to convince

Macbeth not to trust the witches but later on this proves ineffective.

This scene is the beginning of the end for the good side of Macbeth.

In 2 events he has turned deceitful and a liar. The rivalry starts,

when Banquo starts to get suspicious about the way Macbeth is acting,

as friends do Banquo starts to worry once Macbeth wakes up from his

trance. This is a key scene and a turning point in the play, but also

adds more complexity and excitement, and makes the audience tense;

this is because anything can happen from now till the next turning

point of the play. In this play you learn that both of the characters

Macbeth and Banquo are both ambitious people but the difference is

Macbeth is mentally weaker then Banquo.

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