The Diary Of Banquo from William Shakespeare's Macbeth

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The Diary Of Banquo from William Shakespeare's Macbeth

After the victorious battle over the barbaric strangers from overseas,

Macbeth and I were walking back to his own home when we crossed the

heath. The heath seemed unusually misty and foggy as if a supernatural

event was about to occur. I could feel the eerie presence of evil and

as though something was watching us. Suddenly from almost within the

mist itself three witches appeared and started hailing Macbeth and

chanting prophecies. I can’t remember exactly all of them but I do

remember Macbeth would become thane of Cawdor and eventually king of

Scotland; even crazier was the fact that tone of the prophecies was

that MY children would be kings and my blood would rule over Scotland

for quite some time. The thing that scared me about that was that they

also stated that I would never become king! How odd I thought, how on

earth can Macbeth be made king and then my children rule after him?

Then a messenger came from nowhere to tell Macbeth that he had been

made the thane of Cawdor! So the first prophecy had been fulfilled.

Then when we returned, the king was very pleased to see both of us for

some reason. He greeted Macbeth warmly as the new thane of Cawdor

although Macbeth did not look as pleased as the king. I felt slightly

left out but I was still included in the celebrations.

When we arrived at the castle the king immediately proclaimed his

admiration for Macbeth’s castle. “This castle hath a pleasant seat;

the air nimbly and sweetly recommends itself unto our gentle senses”

were his exact words.

Act 2

Later that night Fleance and I spoke to Macbeth in the hall, so we

talked briefly and then left. When we saw him later out in the

courtyard he looked a bit shaken but I thought nothing of it because a

lot of people had been drinking and many were ill because of it.

Then when Macduff told me that the king had been murdered, I felt as

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