The Character of Macbeth in William Shakespeare's Play

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In William Shakespeare's play, the character of Macbeth is initially portrayed as a courageous soldier who is loyal to the King. However, his and Lady Macbeth's ambition corrupts him. Macbeth's weak character and Lady Macbeth's strong influence motivate him to commit murder. Although Lady Macbeth's strength initially motivates him, he continues on his murderous path without her help. In scene 2, Macbeth is described as strong, brave, noble, and loyal, but the Macbeth we get to know doesn't reflect these qualities. When we first meet Macbeth, he is walking with Banquo, and suddenly he is greeted with prophecies from three witches. As a result of the witches' prophecies, Macbeth's curiosity is aroused, and he becomes increasingly superstitious. Macbeth's curiosity slowly corrupts his character, and he relies on the witches' prophecies to tell him what will happen. After the murder of King Duncan, Macbeth becomes more evil with every passing day. He orders the death of Banquo and Fleance without hesitation and orders the death of everyone connected to Macduff. In conclusion, the prophecies given to him by the witches, Lady Macbeth's influence and plan, and his intensified ambition all contribute greatly to the degeneration of his character, resulting in his downfall and death. Therefore, Macbeth is weak and easily led before Duncan's murder, but after the murder, he grows more and more evil.

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