What Role Do You Play In Communication

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Reflection Activity
1. Think of at least 2 roles that you may have fulfilled (or currently fill). Reflect on the demands/impact these roles made on you (or may make on you) and how it may affect your communication.
One role I fulfil in my genera life is as a friend to a wide group of people. This role is quite demanding on me emotionally and on my time availability. On the other hand, I gladly take on these demands because I gain feelings of pleasure and joy from being there for my friends and helping them out in sticky situations. In the same way, I know that they are there for me when I am feeling overwhelmed and/or down and that is a reassuring thing to have in life. Constant communication with my friends in happy and sad situations has helped me learn how to interact with people in different situations. One example was when a close friend passed away in a car accident in 2015. I was there for all my friends as a support in that situation as they were there for …show more content…

This is a very different example from the one above. Although this example is still very time consuming, it has less of an emotional demand in that it involves me doing physical things to help my family out. My dad recently took a job in Sydney, which means that I have had to take on a lot of the things he did around the house in addition to the things I already do. Examples include walking my dog and taking him to his vet appointments; booking and taking my granddad to his appointments and for regular lunches; cleaning the house and occasionally making dinner. This requires communication skills because I need to balance these things with my life and university. If I have too much on, I need to communicate with my mum and find a solution to complete the jobs another day or organize other transport. Whilst there is less of an emotional demand to these jobs, it is still a nice feeling to do things for other people (my mum and granddad in this

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