What Is Loyalty Essay

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Loyalty is defined as “the quality of being loyal to someone or something”. It is interesting how so many different situations when scraped down raw all pretty much can stand for the same exact thing. When it comes down to it most people find themselves loyal to their favorite sports team the same way someone could be loyal to a best friend or significant other. Both end up with thinking you will always favor that person, team or object. But in this particular instance I am thinking of loyalty to a friend, and not just a brand new friend, a close friend whom I would always expect to be willing to be my friend despite what others would think. Being able to at least have one person I can always count on to actually be a friend is something …show more content…

Sadly loyalty is a rare thing, so when you find it you shouldn’t even hesitate to do anything you can to keep it. Loyalty is a privilege whether or not we are the ones giving or receiving it, it is a gift. I have a very good friend that I have know for a while now that I will be forever grateful to. I know that they will stay by my side through everything. I never have once questioned their loyalty friendship. She has always stuck up for me and included me when no one else would. One evening vividly remains in my mind from one or two years ago when I was at a party for my dance studio. The party was after a dance competition and my family had another commitment to go to so one of my other friends from dance, who I was not as close to, offered to give me a ride to the party if I went back to their house after the competition. I said yes and …show more content…

No matter how differently people explain their loyalty to someone or something, like I said in the beginning, no matter what who you are loyal to, be it a sports team or person when you come down to it they all mean the same thing. As somebody once said “loyalty is hard to find. Trust is easy to lose. Actions speak louder than words.” And in this situation I found out who I could trust and who I couldn’t. I found out who were my friends and who wasn’t. So from now on when you are trying to figure out who is and who isn’t your friends just be patient and watch for the opportunity for them to help you and stand by your

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