What Is A Hero Definition Essay

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Definition Essay

Marie Stephen

Florida State College at Jacksonville

Definition of heroism Have you ever known someone who is a hero? If so, how do you describe someone who is a hero? Then, according to Meriam Webster dictionary a hero is defined as a person who is admired for great, or brave acts, or fine qualities. However, I believe that a hero could be defined as someone who has many different characteristics such as: fearless, courageous, and patriotic. The first characteristic of a hero is fearless. Someone who is eager to risk his or her life to help others. No matter what happens, that person will expose himself or herself to overcome the danger. For example, according to Nelson (1982), in the Old Testament before David became King of Israel, faced many obstacles. One was to fight with Goliath who was one of the bigger …show more content…

From that view, a hero is characterized by the nobility of his or her courage to resist any compromising situation and stay focused on his or her purpose. Also, she or he can take actions on behalf of someone or a group. For instance, Carson(2006), in his book “A Call to Conscience “refers to Martin Luther King Jr, as a devoted leader who had stood up for African Americans civil right. He has peacefully expressed his feelings in his most famous speech” I have a dream “where he dreams that everyone should have the same treatment no matter what color is his or her skin. Although there was many obstacles that could stop him, he never gave up. He raised his voice by leading marches and boycott to attain his goals fulfill his dream. Now that dream comes true where we have no separate schools, restaurants and discrimination decrease considerably. By his actions, African American have gained the right to vote and have the opportunity to have a better education. He was one the courageous people in the world and he will always be

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